Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ok, here is pic 5 & 6...

Pic 5 - Willow Creek - For some odd reason, I really like collecting these. They seem to make me relax by just looking at them...who knew??

Pic 6 - Lighthouse Candle - I SO love these candles. Every year I get like 3 or 4 of them for Christmas/Birthday. You can light them and they fill the entire house with a great scent.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I named my 365 project - Happy Place -A Photo A Day - to share all the things in my life that make me happy...There are so many things in my everyday life that to be honest...just crack me up...So I hope that each day you come and check out my blog and enjoy and find your Happy Place...Here are the first 4 pictures of the year...I have yet to get one for today, but I will before the night is out.

Pic 1 - I just love this pic of my niece...everytime I look at it I can't help but laugh!!!

Pic 2 - The sunset off my back porch...I love nature and getting to see this every night I just have to say...thank you God.

Pic 3 - Sadie....This is our Brittany. She is new to our family and with all of her "bad habits" it's taking me awhile for her to be a Happy Place...but you have to just love this pic of her...she does look aweful sweet!!! ( I know better, lol)

Pic 4 - Fire boots....My husband and I are both volunteer firefighters...I love the feeling I get knowing that I am helping my community...I feel very strongly that we all should volunteer our time, no matter how little time it is, to something that pulls at our heart strings..